3C_Ingés Extra P._Prof. Giselle Bellizzi


Hello 3C
Today in zoom class we talked about chapter 6 and corrected chapter 6 activities. I leave the answer for you to check your activities in CLASSROOM.

By next week you have to complete an assignment about chapters 1 to 6. Check "Trabajo de Clase" in CLASSROOM.
You can ask any questions you may have in CLASSROOM as we are NOT having Zoom class next week. We will meet by zoom again by July 7, 12:40 hs.

Join Zoom meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/77840861806?pwd=UkhpdFl4QnNjU2FvZnI4dzVFT3Vkdz09 ID de reunión: 778 4086 1806 REMEMBER: YOUR CLASSROOM CODE WAS SENT BY ALEXIA IN MAY.

Have a great week See you soon Ms. Giselle